Combo Options and Position Builder

Combo options and position builder

Alcor Finance enables to trade combo options such as spreads, butterflies, etc. It significantly increases the capital efficiency due to cross-collaterization mechanism.


Example (numbers are not related to the chart above)

Suppose option trader sells Ethereum Call Spread option with strikes: \newline

K_1 = $4000,
K_2 = $4500
Required collateral is calculated as a maximum payoff of the option. In this case, maxium payoff is:

Max_PnL=K2K1K2=450040004500=0.11Max\_{PnL} = \frac{K_2-K_1}{K_2} = \frac{4500-4000}{4500} = 0.11

This means 9x capital efficiency.

More importantly,

Under the hood, user interacts with vanilla option pools, no additional option pools are required for combo options.

Position builder

Combo options 2